Friday, February 29, 2008


Michael said I ranted in my last post. I told him it was quit therapeutic for me....... clearly I need more therapy!

My thought this morning is this: When I go to the store, I have a choice to buy a name brand item or the store brand. In most cases the name brand is going to cost more. I tend to be pretty frugal. I see this drainage system the same way. Both drainage systems - the "french drain" versus the elaborate drain, will provide the same result. It still doesn't make sense to me why we have to have this elaborate drainage system, just in case of the worst case scenario- which is what?? We have had plenty of rain this year and in years past, and again, we have no water under our house. The elaborate drainage system will also result in having a 2 1/2 foot manhole in my backyard. Now that sounds safe with children around doesn't it?

So I have to believe that the inspector always buys name brand things and thereby expects me to do the same thing.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Our first inspection

I have been told numerous times that this is a stressful process... its true- it is. Today was not such a good day. I find this blog to be therapeutic at times and "another thing to do" at other times. Today, it is therapeutic.

Yesterday we had the inspector guy come over and although he liked the stem wall, he mentioned that he thought we needed a drainage system in our backyard. Glenn thought this would run us about an extra $1000 based on the type of drainage he would put in. Apparently the inspector dude needed to talk to his boss- and today the result is that we need some kind of really fancy drain with all this elaborate manusha to the tune of $4500. Okay, fine. But here is my issue with this- bear with me: First of all, we have had lots of dirt removed from the underneath part of our house- and there was NO WATER there. We live on the high side of the street (I know this probably has little to do with anything, but for some reason it makes sense in my mind that we are not prone to having water fill up our yard). Our house is 10 years old and this drainage thing was not required then, so why is it now? All of this together, to me does not warrant this elaborate drain system the city wants. According to the inspector guy, he wants this particular type of drainage system "for the worst case scenario". Um okay- that makes a ton of sense- Mr. I work for the city and my job is to make as much money as I can for job security. Really, there is no reason for this drainage system that makes any kind of sense to me. Then to top it all off- we are stuck with this inspector throughout this process..... and there is only one other guy who works this area and they conveniently share an office. Nice.

When we delicately questioned why this type of elaborate drainage system- (that you bet your bottom dollar I will be showing off to anyone who will listen) rather than the other system, that would probably work for the second most worst case scenario as opposed to the WORST case scenario, the inspector answered that we could question him once, then call his boss, then he would shut our job site down and require a city engineer to do land surveys and also require soil samples which is $6300 and in the end we would still have to do what HE is saying, so really he is saving us time and $6K....... okay. I am left with everyone wants more money and they have us where they can do that. I hope that I can change my attitude on this, otherwise it is going to be a very long 4 months.

Hopefully the inspector hasn't found my blog, but once I am done with him, I am gonna send him a letter- maybe I will send in an editorial to the local paper. To bad his isn't an elected position- I would stand in front of his office just to make a point that I don't' think the city is very fair. The fact that he isn't even willing to listen or negotiate the type of drainage system tells me we have a flawed system.

So, its been a bad day...... mostly because its the culmination of it all. We are barely two weeks into this, my house is a complete mess, I have 15 yards of dirt in my back yard that is slowly making its way into my house, and everyone wants more money. Now let me say this, we have paid ALOT of money for this project so far, and so far it stinks. There is nothing worse than being this far into it knowing that the city can completly back you into a corner for apparently no good reason.

I am going to go eat chocolate chip mint ice cream now.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Digging, Mounds, Demo, and our first Inspection

Things are moving rapidly..... here's an update, I will leave the photos to Michael, since I just cannot figure that out!

So, last week they began digging out the area for the new foundation and then they put in the stem walls (those create the foundation, so says Michael). The other morning I was getting the kids ready and right around 8am the jackhammer started going! It was loud!! I didn't really have a warning about this, but it was a gentle reminder that there is no turning back!

I know I go back and forth on the stress level thing, which I think is to be expected. Today we had our first inspection of the stem walls. I was a bit surprised that this would happen so early, but then again, there are alot of checks and balances through this process. Today was just such a day. We were not expected to be here, so Glenn waited here for the inspector. I guess it all went well, with the exception that we need to dig a trench for water flow........ and of course there are dollars attached to that. Nice. See, that's where the stress comes in.

Do the math;
How much dirt do you get
when you dig a hole 30ft long
8ft wide and about 5ft deep.

We have mounds of dirt in our backyard and are trying to get rid of it. If you know anyone who needs some fill dirt, have them contact me- we have a ton!! I actually listed it on Craig's list- which I have been doing alot of lately- I actually sold my kitchen- isn't that funny! I sold my entire kitchen, cabinets sink and all- cool. Anyway, I digress....

We have started the inside demolition process. Michael will post some pictures of graffiti throughout our house. Michael also says that the house looks like a transient crack house that has been shut down...... not that he has any experience with this, just what he has gleaned from watching MSNB Investigates with me! Seriously though the house is a mess- another stressful part. The kids are moving out this mom said she would take them- that was kind of her! It is amazing how quickly a house can be torn apart. We also got our SAM today- Store And Move container. So, we are systematically moving out and starting the demolition project.

Tomorrow they will be pouring the cement for the foundation. I gotta tell you- Chase is LIVING for tomorrow. Chase LOVES trucks- he is all boy- in fact he has about three large trucks that go with him everywhere- they are large- one is so large, he can actually sit in. But it makes him happy, so most days the large trucks go back and forth between our house and my moms with him. Anyway, he knows we are getting cement and that cement comes in a BIG truck. Every time he sees a cement truck, he asks if it is coming to our house. So far, the answer has been no.... but tomorrow the answer will be YES!!! He will be ecstatic I am sure!! We'll post some pictures of him for you!

I will let Michael post some pictures, I think I covered it all....... it is hard to remember to capture everything that can happen in our lives during one days time!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Just an Update

I had many great titles for this post, but as the days go by and time runs out for posting, I can simply only title it an update. Some of the great titles we had that sadly didn't make the cut are: "16 hours and counting", "we got the permit " (I know this one was kinda boring) "What do you mean we got our permit 2 weeks early- the city doesn't do ANYTHING early", "OMG- we are NOT ready"...... you get it!!

So, I see when I last left you, we were dealing with the city. We figured we had some time, and of course the parting words were, please don't call (emphasis on the please part). So we didn't and waited patiently. On Friday Glenn calls me. Now, generally he doesn't call unless he has some news, and generally he needs something, so generally it's bad news. Its noon on Friday and I see that he is calling and I begin to panic (silently). I asked him what could be wrong, but then he says that he got the permit and needed to come out right away becuase he needed tostartimmediately, and then it all started running together. We were NOT prepared for this!!

But somehow I managed to pull myself together and ask some pertinent questions, but ultimately was left with, we are pulling out of the gate and taking off!!

We spent the weekend moving and preparing the yard. (Like how I say "we") Really I did stuff in the yard and told Michael and his brother (who by the way is my new best friend- love ya Douglas!!) He really has been a trmendous help to us/Michael (there I go again). Anyway- we managed to get it all done and ready, only to not have the excavator show up. I still am not sure what the story is on that, but anyway- it finally made its way here today. And now I have a giant hole in my yard, with a 5 foot drop from my back slider straight down. And lots of mounds and piles of dirt...... which the kids love.

So that's it in a nutshell. I felt compelled to update. I will try the picture thing again, I am just not so good at posting pictures- I am never quite sure where they will show up. Nolan was in a first grade musical last week and I have been meaning to put pictures of him up too. The kindergartners (I am not quite sure how to spell that and my spell check is not working...) and first graders at BLE had a BUGZ Musical..... they were so very cute! Nolan was chosen for a speaking part too. They had the musical at the Sumner High School Performing Arts theater- kinda fancy! It was cute.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


We are currently waiting for our permit from the City of Bonney Lake. I am going to give the contractor a name so I don't need to keep calling him "the contractor"; I'd also like to protect his identity a bit. My reasoning for protecting his identity is really very simple- I am withholding my thoughts on him until we are completing finished with our project. So, I am going to call him Glenn. So last writing, we were turned away from the City, unable to submit for permitting, until we get a few things. Glenn gets what he understood those things were, goes back to the City last week and is turned away again. Apparently there was a misunderstanding with the lady at the City (I would name her too- but I have no first hand information on her- it is merely hearsay, via Glenn.) Glenn thought she wanted only bona fide trusses information with a supporting letter, via PDF. Nope, she wants ALL information bona fide - meaning there had to be some official stamps from the company and everything on whatever documentation he was submitting. So, Tuesday of this week, Glenn returns to the city for the third time and is finally able to submit our drawings for permit! YIPEE- Huge step. I had asked Glenn earlier to find out how long the permitting process would be. He was afraid to ask at this point, but since I am currently his walking paycheck, he knew better than to leave there without some kind of indication as to when the permit would be completed. She said, the city lady, that since there was only her in the office, it would take about 3-4 weeks AND (quote) "please do not call, or have anyone else call on your behalf or the owners behalf as this will only deter me from my real job and that is to provide permits for the residents of the City of Bonney Lake." I can assure you if you call, you will be placed at the bottom of the list..... Okay- she didn't say the last part- but she may as well have- Glenn is actually scared of her!!! So we wait patiently for our permit.

Meanwhile, Nolan received a VIKING award today! (Bonney Lake Elementary Vikings). Last week we received a letter inviting us to school for an assembly to honor the students getting Viking awards. So, here is Nolan receiving his Viking award this morning from his principal- we are so proud!! His award was for being thoughtful and it was awarded by his teacher. She said he is a "thinker" and always finds herself saying "WOW good thinking Nolan!" (I cannot figure out how to get the pictures down here- so they are stuck up there..... I am so not a good blogger)

Oh- I also wanted to tell you something that Sophie said, which I thought was funny. I was putting her to bed tonight and we were talking about who is a girl and who is a boy. I was asking her things like is Nolan a boy or girl, is Chase a boy or girl, etc..... After I went through just about everyone we knew, and she would tell me correctly if they were a boy or girl, I got to the dog. I said Sophie- is Anjuu a boy or girl- she thought a moment and said "lady- Anjuu is a lady"!! This totally cracked me up!