Friday, June 27, 2008

Back In

We moved back into our house a few weeks ago. I know I have not been very good about sharing photos- mostly because I am a bit overwhelmed with everything at the moment. So, here are some photos of the new digs! Okay- so I jut checked , and apparently in our desire to move back in we forgot to take pictures before we moved back in- so here are some pictures, complete with clutter due to our current moving in status. To my OCD friends, I hope this does not make you crazy- please know I am working on it!!

Nolan's new room

Chase's new room, previous loft/playroom

new kitchen/range

Sophie having fun on the waterslide- crazy girl!Chase on the waterslide!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Chase's best friend

Chase's best friend is Santa. Far cry from his older brother who tells Chase to tell Santa what he (Nolan) wants!! I know its only June, but Chase loves Santa and today he was writing him a letter. This is what he said (verbatim as he sits here next to me "writing" to Santa): I want an excavator that can change into anything with a firefighter truck and it can turn out a fire and I wanted a cat with a house, a fire fighter house. I want a fire fighter that can change into anything with a ambulance hat. I also want an excavator that can change into a fire fighter. I love you mamma. I want ayot of stuff. I even want a monster truck that can change into noise. I even want one that could change into a firefighter with an engine.

Now, this was especially cute when he looks at me with his cute big blue eyes with blonde hair and really believes in Santa. I think it is so cute and wanted to remember this little piece of him. He talks about his best friend alot!!

Today was Nolan's 7th birthday- so hard to believe he is 7 years old! Nolan misses school and has written his teacher a letter letting her know that on the last day of school he is the only one that did not yell "WOOHOO" - he wanted to let her know that he was not happy school was over since he won't get to see her everyday! Cute!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A complete transformation!

Its been so long since I blogged that I almost forgot my password to sign on! Sorry to those who like updated information more frequently! It's going well. This is a process and I am here to say, it is hard! We have had some challenges, but we have managed to make it through.

Our entire family- both Avery's and Burgstahlers have had a hand in our home- we are eternally grateful for all the hard work everyone has done to help us with this big project! This past weekend our yard was completely transformed- it truly was amazing! The photos do not do it justice, so in a nutshell, from Friday afternoon until Sunday at dusk, we managed to move 24 yards of dirt from the front to the back and 2200 square feet of grass, one wheelbarrow at a time! Here are the photos:

Boys working hard!

Getting it perfect!

Nolan and Kaylee hanging out

A complete transformation
Its all coming together
Watering it all down