Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Another inspection

Electrical inspection has been completed. Although it passed, of course there is another surprise. I've come to expect these surprises, but it comes with a price tag and alot of annoyance on my part. What I learned with the electrical inspection is that it is done by labor and industries, not the city of BL. One of the things the electrical people are concerned about is safety and they are conscious of things encroaching in your space. So with that said, one of the things that are not allowed per the book of rules, is the inability to have some wall sconces on a part of the hallway I wanted. Okay fine- whatever. I will get over that- just annoying that's all!

We also have to have an enclosure in our venting system. The venting system was not enclosed before and it has to be now (also some extra bucks). Again- annoying- but clearly nothing I can do about it!!

Other than that, things are coming together. I do have to say that so far it looks great! So despite my complaints, the actual project and house is looking good!! We went and checked out some "estate homes" the other day (for decorating ideas, etc), and we were very pleased with ourselves that the upgrades we chose to do on our home, were in these homes too!!

I have some new photos I will upload a bit later.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

an AH- HA moment

So, a few weeks ago, Michael and I are at Home Depot (we frequent HD alot these days), and on this particular day, we were in the market for canned lights (recessed lights). We are putting in quite a bit of recessed lighting in our home, so of course we are trying to get the best deal but yet maintain great quality! There are quite a bit to choose from. So, we asked the person in the lighting department to help us, as we had a few questions. So, the HD lighting person kept asking us is this "New Construction" or "Old Construction". We kept hearing this term, and in fact we had been at another lighting place just before this and they asked the same question. Now, for a long time I took this to mean that there was some mysterious date that signified a difference between New Construction and Old Constructions. Nope, that is not the case. This is what they mean when they ask this question: is there drywall in the place that you are putting in your canned lights? That is what it means, your house can 5 days old or 50 years old and that particular question is really all about drywall. This is why this process drives me crazy- there are all of these codes word and phrases I have to figure out. I think it would be easier to ask if you are putting in canned lights in existing construction (not removing drywall and basically just putting a hole in the ceiling) or is there no drywall and you have to attach the canned lights to the beams/wood. Maybe its simple to everyone else, but this particular issue took me several weeks to figure out- then it was like "ah-ha", I get it now!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

My kids talking!

I want to write some things down that my kids say, because they crack me up. I tend to forget them by the end of the day, so before I forget, these are the funny things my kids said today;

Chase: "Mama, do Hummer's drive good in the mud?"
Sophie: (I have to preface this by saying that we are working on her not whining and "using words instead"- so:
Mommy: "Sophie, use your words please"
Sophie: "Okay mommy, DON'T DO THAT PLEASE"! This was funny to me, because it was crystal clear!
Nolan, while at his baseball game: "Nolan, did you hit a homerun?" (rhetorical question)
Nolan: "Not necessarily mom, it all depends on how you look at it".......!!

That's all for today-

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


As promised, I would continue to blog! This blog has become part of my "to do" list! Sometimes that its nice and sometimes, there is this overlying pressure to "blog"! I really wanted this blog to be a documentation of our journey. Mostly it has been. It has been unbelievably stressful in so many ways, stretching and growing in other ways, and just plain hard in most ways! For me, it has been really hard to see my home so torn apart and people who don't know me come and go. I understand that this is THEIR job site, but it is my home- a place where we have made our family and made our memories. It makes me sad sometimes when I see something different knowing it will never be the way it was before. I am looking forward to my "new house", but I will always miss my "old house". There is a part of me that is relieved that it really is the same house so I can retain those memories for a bit longer!
Anyway- until recently, I thought I was a good communicator- that is- I thought because I used alot of words when I talk, that in it of itself made me a good communicator. It does not and I have come to this realization. Sometime last week, Glenn and I determined we were having major communication issues- in fact I said "I think we are having a few minor communication issues", and he responded " A FEW!" (the inflection in his voice meant I was being generous with the term few!) Anyway- that turned out to be a good conversation with Glenn- in fact I have to say it was our turning point. It could not have come at a better time, because our project is now getting to the point where we really need to understand one another!
I used to work with this gal who came to our non profit from the corporate world- she was intense to say the least. She would always say- when communicating there is a giver and a receiver- and sometimes the giver is not giving properly and sometimes the receiver is not receiving properly. I say this because I have had to remember this these past few weeks- AND I am sometimes the giver and sometimes the receiver and just because I like to use alot of words, does not mean I am giving all the right information! I have much to learn about the mantra "less is more"!!

So overall- I think we are doing well- we have worked through our communication issues and we are done demolishing things and things are going back together and I am liking what I am seeing.
Here are some pictures:

Daily view from the front (sorry neighbors!)

Nice backyard, eh?

New addition.... we have walls and a window!
Coming right along....
The other side of that wall is my kitchen!!
Good Night!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Still here......

Lest you think we have stopped the project, we haven't- just busy!! This week I promise to update you more, with titles like:
1. Communication with the contractor (this should actually be a book, but I will refrain and keep it short!)
2. More sweat equity.......
3. The floors - I have had a really hard time deciding on flooring- but alas, the decision was made. (It's late and I can't think of anything witty!)
4. And finally- RV living- stay tuned for this one- just the fact that we are living in the RV in the backyard is good enough- but oh, there is more!!

I just got back from DC- my annual International Adoption conference. It was a very good conference, extremely busy...... but the blossoms were out, and they were really gorgeous! So that was fun, but also the reason why I am pooped! More this week- stay tuned!!