As promised, I would continue to blog! This blog has become part of my "to do" list! Sometimes that its nice and sometimes, there is this overlying pressure to "blog"! I really wanted this blog to be a documentation of our journey. Mostly it has been. It has been unbelievably stressful in so many ways, stretching and growing in other ways, and just plain hard in most ways! For me, it has been really hard to see my home so torn apart and people who don't know me come and go. I understand that this is THEIR job site, but it is my home- a place where we have made our family and made our memories. It makes me sad sometimes when I see something different knowing it will never be the way it was before. I am looking forward to my "new house", but I will always miss my "old house". There is a part of me that is relieved that it really is the same house so I can retain those memories for a bit longer!
Anyway- until recently, I thought I was a good communicator- that is- I thought because I used alot of words when I talk, that in it of itself made me a good communicator. It does not and I have come to this realization. Sometime last week, Glenn and I determined we were having major communication issues- in fact I said "I think we are having a few minor communication issues", and he responded " A FEW!" (the inflection in his voice meant I was being generous with the term few!) Anyway- that turned out to be a good conversation with Glenn- in fact I have to say it was our turning point. It could not have come at a better time, because our project is now getting to the point where we really need to understand one another!
I used to work with this gal who came to our non profit from the corporate world- she was intense to say the least. She would always say- when communicating there is a giver and a receiver- and sometimes the giver is not giving properly and sometimes the receiver is not receiving properly. I say this because I have had to remember this these past few weeks- AND I am sometimes the giver and sometimes the receiver and just because I like to use alot of words, does not mean I am giving all the right information! I have much to learn about the mantra "less is more"!!
So overall- I think we are doing well- we have worked through our communication issues and we are done demolishing things and things are going back together and I am liking what I am seeing.
Here are some pictures:
Good Night!
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