Saturday, October 4, 2008

Back to Blogging

What a crazy time it has been over the past 90 days.

At the end of June as many of you know we moved back into the house. What an ordeal! we now know why people only do one remodel in their lifetime. Anyone who does two is either a general contractor, works for a general contractor or a just plain insane.

It seemed like we had just gotten back into our house and Alan's (Opa to the kids) health began to rapidly decline. The cancer was finally worn Alan down and it seemed that nothing could stop it. Alan lost his fight this summer.

Everybody got back to school in September and it seemed like we could resume some normalcy when the economy started a free fall. Michael's work began adjusting work schedules doing temporary work stoppages and finally started laying off. Michael's job is safe right now but as he has said many times "PACCAR is over 100 years old, at PACCAR we are all temporary."

So it seems that the best thing to do at this point is control what you can and don't worry about the rest. Rally around family and friends and try an not take life to seriously.

We took a weekend trip down to the beach house and had wonderful weather to forget about the daily grind. Here are a few photos

Smiles all around ...What are they up to?

Super Heros - Here they come to save the day...

Chase and Sophie Riding the train at Seaside

We have all made snow angels.
How about Nolan's sand Angel?

Sophie's Remake of the movie "10."

One Pooped Pooch

Making sand castles in ankle deep water...

No matter how many times we
told her it was a family beach,
her mind was made up.

Quick! we need more sand
the water just keeps coming!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Happy Birthday to me......

So I turned 38 this week- see photo...... it's weird to be 38. Nolan told me he thought I was 29! When a friend of a friend asked recently how old I was, she was surprised and said she thought I "didn't look that age"!! And then someone at work asked how old I was and I asked them how old they thought I was - they said 32! So, all these people may be lying by omission, but I'm going with it!! Here is a picture of me and my three most favorite people in the world...... the best present in the world is being their mom!

Okay- sorry-I can't figure it out- I can't figure out how to make the picture the other way- so would you mind just tilting your head a bit?? Thanks

And here are some extra pictures just because I've been so laxed! Kids- camping recently- making funny faces!

My bugger- Chase!

I know this is totally random and a bit old- its from July 4th- clearly. So look closely at this picture- its funny. Sophie does NOT like loud noises. But she LOVES fireworks. So this is her and her uncle Bouce (Bruce)- she is holding the firework and Bruce has HIS hands over HER ears- we were laughing so hard!!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Back In

We moved back into our house a few weeks ago. I know I have not been very good about sharing photos- mostly because I am a bit overwhelmed with everything at the moment. So, here are some photos of the new digs! Okay- so I jut checked , and apparently in our desire to move back in we forgot to take pictures before we moved back in- so here are some pictures, complete with clutter due to our current moving in status. To my OCD friends, I hope this does not make you crazy- please know I am working on it!!

Nolan's new room

Chase's new room, previous loft/playroom

new kitchen/range

Sophie having fun on the waterslide- crazy girl!Chase on the waterslide!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Chase's best friend

Chase's best friend is Santa. Far cry from his older brother who tells Chase to tell Santa what he (Nolan) wants!! I know its only June, but Chase loves Santa and today he was writing him a letter. This is what he said (verbatim as he sits here next to me "writing" to Santa): I want an excavator that can change into anything with a firefighter truck and it can turn out a fire and I wanted a cat with a house, a fire fighter house. I want a fire fighter that can change into anything with a ambulance hat. I also want an excavator that can change into a fire fighter. I love you mamma. I want ayot of stuff. I even want a monster truck that can change into noise. I even want one that could change into a firefighter with an engine.

Now, this was especially cute when he looks at me with his cute big blue eyes with blonde hair and really believes in Santa. I think it is so cute and wanted to remember this little piece of him. He talks about his best friend alot!!

Today was Nolan's 7th birthday- so hard to believe he is 7 years old! Nolan misses school and has written his teacher a letter letting her know that on the last day of school he is the only one that did not yell "WOOHOO" - he wanted to let her know that he was not happy school was over since he won't get to see her everyday! Cute!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A complete transformation!

Its been so long since I blogged that I almost forgot my password to sign on! Sorry to those who like updated information more frequently! It's going well. This is a process and I am here to say, it is hard! We have had some challenges, but we have managed to make it through.

Our entire family- both Avery's and Burgstahlers have had a hand in our home- we are eternally grateful for all the hard work everyone has done to help us with this big project! This past weekend our yard was completely transformed- it truly was amazing! The photos do not do it justice, so in a nutshell, from Friday afternoon until Sunday at dusk, we managed to move 24 yards of dirt from the front to the back and 2200 square feet of grass, one wheelbarrow at a time! Here are the photos:

Boys working hard!

Getting it perfect!

Nolan and Kaylee hanging out

A complete transformation
Its all coming together
Watering it all down

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Nana's Fire Pit

So Mady now has a fire pit...Yes it was free how do you think Nana got a fire pit? Most of us would go to Target or Costco and some of you might even got to Walmart...but that is a different rant. Nana went to a gravel company....Apparently gravel companies make small gravel by grinding larger rocks between to cones. They grind the rocks and crush them into gravel using the cones. Apparently these cones wear and are eventually discarded. Enter Nana who absolutely must have on in her backyard. So a half ton one inch thick steel cone arrives that cannot be unloaded by hand....No fear we will just tie a cable to the the back of the motor home ( Our current residence)and the other to the half ton cone. One we have this done it is simply a matter of doing 0 to 60 between then motor home (Our current residence) and the front gate...about 17 ft. away. It least close enough for government mules. Now we have a FREE fire pit in Nana's backyard...this of course obligates us to drink wine and makes smores. (if there is spelling errors in this it is the wine not the smores....)

Nolan did his smores and bailed early but we caught Sophie and Chase in the act.

I like to catch mine on fire and blow them out like a birthday cake, but don't ask me to eat them

Dearest child this is your right of passage...Here is how you roast a marshmallow...



What I can have ANOTHER SMORE....AKA MELTED CHOCOLATE...your kidding right I have already had 5...

No need to help I git it...

You title this one...Is it
With the cost of fuel these days...
You know your a REDNECK if...
Here's to hoping Summer shows up soon and you had a safe and fun memorial Day weekend...Now back to the wine...

Saturday, May 24, 2008


I have to write this down before I forget it. The other night we were talking at dinner and one topic of conversation was Nolan leaving first grade and going to second grade. I was telling Nolan that I thought it was a good idea to learn who the second grade teachers are so that when they post the list of which students are in which teachers class, he will be able to put a face to a name. After all of this Nolan said, "so do you think its a high probability that I will pass first grade and go to second grade?"!!! Yes, Nolan, I am pretty sure this will not be a problem!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

House pictures- really!!

Okay- I didn't mean to tease you the other night! Long story short, I thought I had the house pictures, but apparently I did not have updated ones. So without further ado, here they are!

New Living Room

Hardwoods are in, formal living and dining

Kitchen cabinets are here!! WAHOO
View from the back

Laundry Room (orange and green- it makes me happy!)
Media Room

Monday, May 19, 2008

Chase turns four!

I know, I know- I NEED to post pictures! I will talk more later, but I think most people just want to see..... its going well and coming to an end!! Meanwhile, here are some photos, inlcuding Chase's 4th birthday!

This is Nolan running down Nana's hill with the little ones in the garden wagon- all three laughing hysterically!!! As were we!!! Rest assured, no one was hurt!