Chase's best friend is Santa. Far cry from his older brother who tells Chase to tell Santa what he (Nolan) wants!! I know its only June, but Chase loves Santa and today he was writing him a letter. This is what he said (verbatim as he sits here next to me "writing" to Santa): I want an excavator that can change into anything with a firefighter truck and it can turn out a fire and I wanted a cat with a house, a fire fighter house. I want a fire fighter that can change into anything with a ambulance hat. I also want an excavator that can change into a fire fighter. I love you mamma. I want ayot of stuff. I even want a monster truck that can change into noise. I even want one that could change into a firefighter with an engine.
Now, this was especially cute when he looks at me with his cute big blue eyes with blonde hair and really believes in Santa. I think it is so cute and wanted to remember this little piece of him. He talks about his best friend alot!!
Today was Nolan's 7th birthday- so hard to believe he is 7 years old! Nolan misses school and has written his teacher a letter letting her know that on the last day of school he is the only one that did not yell "WOOHOO" - he wanted to let her know that he was not happy school was over since he won't get to see her everyday! Cute!!